1. Our chemistry teacher in 8th grade was a huge liar. (I'm serious. He didn't teach us mole concept but ticked in the list which is handed to the supervisor and he promises to send me to the toilet if I listen to him and later ignores me when I yell "sir" at the top of my voice.)
2. Diamond is hard, not soft.
3. All the chemicals keep spilling onto me.
4. I cannot taste the chemicals (I'm sure If i got to taste the chemicals I would have fallen in love with Chemistry at the beginning of my 8th grade)
5. Blue litmus becomes shy the moment an acid arrives.
6.Metals dump their partner for stronger and powerful metal.
7. Cations forget about me and are always attracted to the cathode.
8. Carbon dioxide spills milk when lime water is in taken.
9. Isotopes have the multi-personality disorder.
10.Oxygen plays the big brother role for aluminum.
Top 5 reasons why I love chemistry now:
1. I fell in love with the pink color of phenolphthalein in alkaline solutions.2.Hydrogen is the well-known pop artist commonly known as "the princess of pop".
3. Francium is a nuclear bomb.
4. Helium takes me high up in the sky.